Friday, October 29, 2004

1000 years

I have lived 1000 years.

I will live 1000 more

and still know nothing.

Saturday, June 5, 2004

GameBoy Embedded Development

I read about a wonderful development platform for embedded projects (NewScientist May 1 Pg. 26) based on the Game Boy Advance portable gaming system. The great thing about this platform is the price. For about $70 you can get a device with all this:

2001 Game Boy Advance

Screen size: 240*160 - 2.9"

Screen type: Colour 8 or 16bit

CPU: 32bit ARM7

CPU Clock: 16.78MHz

Video RAM: 96kB

Working RAM: 32k + 256k

Power: 2AA - 80mA

Sound: 4ch stereo + 2pcm

Keys: 6 + Control pad

Link Port: <2MHz, Bootloader

Cartarige slot: 3V multiplexed bus

It is great to have this many features and power but figuring out how to get a development system based on the GBA might seem like a lot of work that would outweigh the benefits of this cheep hardware. However, for about $160 this work has already been done for you with the Xport 2.0. This might seem like a lot of money for a development system but if you look at the costs for any other development system for an embedded processor it will cost at least this much and in the end you don’t get all the features that come with the GBA. One could create this development system on your own but why when it would end up costing as much to have prototype board made and would take months of development time.

I have recently purchased a GBA from my fiancĂ©e’s little brother who had upgraded to the Game Boy Advanced SP. The Xport 2.0 works on the SP as well but I think is overkill and has fewer input buttons. I also like the fact that the GBA uses standard batteries so I won’t have to worry about buying expensive replacement batteries from Nintendo. I can also have a pair of batteries in the charger at the same time as I am using another pair in the GBA unit so that I can continually use the GBA. The EDN article Gaming as Serious Business describes potential and actual applications of the Game Boy as an embedded system. 

Stay tuned for further information on the progress of this project.

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

I am geek

I just found out about ctags for vi today and it made me the happiest person on earth! I am geek!

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Some New Info

I have been busy lately! It has been a good busy. I finally got a job. I am working for SigmaTel. They are a semiconductor company here in Austin. I had another offer in California as a Contractor making a little bit more but the cost of living probably would have ate up the difference. The offer in California would have been just north of San Fran near the Nappa Valley area. NICE, right! Well, I wanted a full time position. I just do not enjoy interviewing. Life is full of choices, you know. It would have been quite an experience I am sure.

The other big news in my life is that I proposed to Christine. I am still waiting for an answer but I am hopeful. JK :) She said yes. It was a pretty interesting proposal that I will go into more at a later date. She will be moving to Austin in a couple of months. She was able to transfer with her company to do her stuff in the southwest. :) So as you can geuss life is pretty good.

Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Yahoo Rules

Why Yahoo Mail Rules:

- Integrated into my homepage along with all my other links and information that I use

- Same interface available worldwide

- It automatically scans all attachments and downloads for viruses without having to purchase or download additional software and updates to every box that you own or will use.

- Will be my address for the rest of my life regardless of who my ISP is

- FREE (as in beer)

- Very, very little spam makes it into my inbox

- No software running on your machine

- Impervious to simple buffer overflow hacks and attacks

- No software to update ever

- OS independence!!!

- Address book is not on your local machine and therefore if your machine is compromised it will not spread to everyone you know

- Much less obtrusive advertising than other free email providers (

- Not owned by a predatory monopolist (

- It just works! You don't have to know anything about computers. Isn't that what everyone really wants out of a tool (mac)?

Why Yahoo Mail Sucks:

- It might be a bit slower than other locally run email programs especially if you are trying to access your email through a low bandwidth connection.

- There are potentially more privacy concerns with storing all your email on a remote server. However a novice or even intermediate computer user will probably leave themselves more open to privacy concerns than having them stored on yahoo's servers

- They are not saints and you still have to watch out for changes in there User Agreements. Like humans every company has the potential for great acts of evil and great acts of goodness. No company is always one or the other (except for Microsoft).

- Formatting of the messages is more limited

For my personal use I find that the positives far outweigh the negatives. I am almost always on a broadband connection so execution speed is not a problem for me. The limited formatting does not bother me. In fact I am a big fan of straight text emails as opposed to HTML emails. It’s a big waste of space if you ask me. Include the URL in the text if you must have some HTML. I am already running a browser so it will take me less time to click on a link than to have browser software running in addition to my email client. Those are my thoughts on Yahoo Mail.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Imagine a World...

Imagine how different our world would be if the person that the majority of Americans had wanted to be president the 2000 election had become our president...

I started thinking about this again after I read an article about another recount in Florida where Dick Gephardt beat Kerry 2-1! Bush won in Florida by 537 votes.

The next scary thing to think about is the fact that with some electronic voting machines (one of which I voted on yesterday) there is no capability for a recount because there is NO PAPER TRAIL! This is a very scary situation in which hackers could very easily decide an election and nobody will ever know what happened. I made a stink about this at the polling station (probably not the right venue) and then went home and wrote to the Secretary and to the paper asking them to fix this problem. And they say Window$ has security holes!

I would ask anyone that votes on eletronic voting machines to write their Secreatary of State to demand that there votes be verifiable.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Now Time For Some FUN!

Well it seems as if the primary is all but wrapped up. Now its time for some fun! Its time to get president Bush out of Washington. To quote a bumper sticker I saw the other day:

"Save the environment: Plant a bush back in Texas!"

I received notification of a chance to help do just that and I signed up to volunteer with I would encourage others to do the same. I know that many of you do not have as much free time as I do but I would ask you to give what you can. You can volunteer at the following link . Please help get the US back to the people or at the very least away from Bush.

Here is an interesting link I site I found today.

Monday, March 1, 2004

Needed: oscilloscope

I am in desperate need of an oscilloscope. I have done as much debugging as I can with my DMM and I am stuck in my tracks until I can get an oscilloscope to debug my problems. My part not willing to go into ISP (In System Programming) mode so I cannot program it. I have checked all the connections and the oscillator and everything seems fine so I think that it must be either the 12V programming power supply (of which I have tried three different ones now) has to much ripple, not enough instantaneous turn on current or the reset pulse is flaky. Any one of these at the very minimum requires an analog scope and ideally would have a digital storage scope to debug. I have access to one old analog scope at the Austin Robot Club on Thursdays for about a half hour but if I am going to make any progress I need to find a way to get more time on a scope. If anyone can help please let me know where I can get some time on a scope or a place where they sell used scopes for a decent price I would appreciate it.

Qualcomm Interview

The interview went really well. It was much more technical than I thought it was going to be. I had thought that I was just going to be talking to someone from HR but it turned out to be one of the managers! The project they are hiring for is adding additional functionality to there 3G wireless chips. They want to add video and some other things and need to do more verification if they add in all the features they want. That's were I come in. They do not want to fly my in for an interview until I have heard back from IBM. DOH! No bargaining there I guess. Anyway they seemed pretty interested and they had three positions open. The market is DEFINITELY getting better!

Sunday, February 29, 2004

If anyone would like to add comments or dispute anything that I say here I encourage you to write me and I will add you to the post list.

I have so many things that I would like to talk about but first of all I would like to give out a few links:

On Buzzflash there are a bunch of good commentaries but I especially like the synopsis of the lies Bush has told.

Also has many great articles.

If you can't tell I am a real fan of giving common people a voice to express themselves and the internet is a great medium for this.

On to the news of the day. I am ecstatic to read that Iraq has, what on the surface seems to be, a tremendous new constitution. Although it is only temporary hopefully it will be representative of what the people in Iraq will decide that they want for themselves. I find it truly amazing that the same administration that gave us The Patriot Act was able to muster such a progressive and open government! If Bush wins again perhaps I will move to Iraq in order to have more freedoms. ;)

Other news of the day (actually yesterday) was the democratic debate. I am proud to say that I had thought that Edwards was my man very early in the race. I am surprised that others also began to see what I saw. Typically anyone that I would pick would have not ever been considered by the majority. I am really glad DENNIS J. KUCINICH has stayed in there as well because he stays true to what he believes and is not afraid to drive the discussions to what he feels is important. Like many third party candidates I think his views are a little extreme for the majority of the public. The reason that these "True Americans" will have a hard time getting into an office of power is because they challenge the machine that is our government. They will never allow them to be true contenders as long as they promise to disrupt. That is part of the reason that I think Edwards is a good choice. I think he is a decent compromise in his political views and is a very electable guy. I am tired of the divisiveness that Bush's righteousness and corporate entitlement agenda has promoted. I very much want to see someone more middle of the road so we can begin to have meaningful discussions again instead of mean divisiveness. Anyway I am sure I will have more to say on the race later.

In other news the Israel's supreme court on Sunday ordered the suspension of building work on a section of the West Bank separation barrier. I am very upset that the Israeli government is trying to grab more land like a game of "Go" but with the absence of any leadership from the world power I feel that putting up a wall in their own territory may be a temporary solution to end the bloodshed. The best solution would have been to continue the talks that almost lead to a solution with the previous administration. Short of that I think that this might be a short term fix until we can get someone in there that knows the meaning of the word diplomacy.

The misguided use of the patriot act for today is this article where a man created a small virus that he sent to his friends and infected 21 users. It had very little hope of spreading much further and in the article it even states that the crime was already covered by a pre-patriot law. But because of this wondrous thing they call The Patriot Act they can now additionally charge him with being a CYBERTERRORIST! This is outrageous and it totally misdirects attention away from the true dangers of cyberterrorism that we are becoming more and more vulnerable to everyday.

I guess I can kiss that defense company job (if not my ass) goodbye. Well that is it for me today. I need to get some sleep. Hopefully I will still be around to write some more of my thoughts.

PS I almost forgot to mention that I have a phone interview with Quallcom tommorow! The job is in San Diago. I will tell you how it went tommorow. Wish me luick!

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

I just got an interview with IBM for Thursday at 2:00pm !!!! I will be interviewing for a verification engineer position in the STI PowerPC group. This is one of the highest security groups at IBM (highly sensitive intellectual property). I need to go get ready for it!

Monday, February 23, 2004

My first post! Wewhew!!! Well Currently I am waiting for my soldering iron to warm up and so I thought I would get one of these blog sites. I am working on my MCU (microcontroller) programmer. I am using an 8051 based MCU that has embedded flash so that you can reprogram it on your end system board which is ISP (In System Programming). The specific part I am using right now is the 89c51rd2 from phillips. I have to get back to soldering.