Here is a link from that has a somewhat decent discussion about it. I am sure there will be many more articles written bout this great tool. Here is the offical wiki.
It is only at version 0.52 as of this writing so I am sure there are improvements to come but it already has vastly sped up my surfing. One vim like feature I would like to see is the visual mode for selecting things. Your mappings and customizations (like vimrc file) are stored in a file named vimperator. Here is what my vimperatorrc file looks like so far:
set activate=quickmark,paste
set nobeep
set complete=sbfh
set defsearch=google
set guioptions=
set maxhints=1000
set preload
set previewheight=20
set showmode
set showstatuslinks
set showtabline=2
set titlestring=Vimperator Dev
set verbose=9
set wildmode=list:full
" start MozRepl
js < :restart
" select next/previous tab
map gt
map gT
map ,src :source ~/.vimperatorrc
" move current tab left/right
map :tabmove! +1
map :tabmove! -1
" move up and down one page
" Tab maps
map :tabopen
map :tabnext
map :tabprevious
" backward and forward
map gk :back
map gj :forward
map :quit
echo .vimperatorrc sourced
" vim: ft=vimperator sw=2 sts=2